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커지는 디젤 시장과 국내 기업들의 소극적 태도

커지는 디젤 시장과 국내 기업들의 소극적 태도

“디젤 세단 시장 국내외 업체들의 시각차가 크다”

새롭게 부각되는 디젤 세단 시장에 대해 국내외 업체들의 시각차가 크다. 유럽계 수입차 제조사들이 디젤 세단에 집중하는 반면, 국산차 업체들은 디젤 세단에 대해 소극적인 모습을 보이고 있어 묘한 대조를 이룬다.

BMW는 지난 9일, 그란투리스모에 디젤 모델을 추가했으며 아우디는 지난 10일, A4 디젤 모델을 추가해 탄탄하고 다양한 라인업을 구축했다. 인기 차종에 디젤 모델을 추가해 더욱 많은 판매를 유도함은 물론, 다양한 상품으로 고객의 요구를 충족시키겠다는 의도다.

◆ 수입차는 디젤 세단이 대세
최근 유럽 제조사들의 신차들을 살펴보면 디젤 차량의 비중이 매우 높음을 알 수 있다. 폭스바겐 제타, CC, 볼보 S60, 푸조 508, 아우디 A7, 메르세데스-벤츠 C클래스 등 올해 출시된 대다수의 유럽 세단은 디젤 모델이 주력이거나 디젤 모델이 포함돼 있다.

유럽은 지난해 판매된 승용차 중 50% 이상이 디젤을 이용할 정도로 디젤의 인기가 높다. 수요가 많기 때문에 경쟁이 치열해지고, 소음과 진동이 획기적으로 감소됐으며 이를 통해 고급세단에도 디젤을 사용하는게 자연스럽게 여겨지고 있다.

수입차 판매량을 보면 국내 소비자들도 디젤 세단을 선호하는 추세다. 2006년에는 디젤차 점유율이 10.7%에 불과하던 것이 점차 판매량이 증가해 지난해는 전체 수입차 시장에서 25.4%를 차지했다.
디젤차 판매를 주도하는 유럽 브랜드 중 폭스바겐의 경우, 지난달 판매된 1106대의 차량 중 디젤 차량은 1034대가 팔렸다. 그 중 세단이 차지하는 비율은 38%로 총 426대에 달한다. 지난달 수입차 중 가장 높은 판매량을 기록했던 차량 또한 디젤세단인 BMW 520d로 785대가 판매됐다. BMW는 지난달 총 2274대가 판매됐으며 이 중 디젤 차량은 1344대가 판매됐다. 이 중 세단은 1044대에 달해 지난달 판매대수에서 45%의 비중을 차지하고 있다.

디젤 차종을 거의 갖지 못한 일본 브랜드와 미국 브랜드는 이같은 분위기에 편승하지 못해 어려움을 겪고 있다.

◆ 국산차 업체들, 디젤을 시험한다

현대차 관계자는 “NF 쏘나타는 디젤이 있었지만 너무 안팔려 곤란했다”면서 신형 쏘나타(YF)로 넘어오면서 디젤 판매를 중단한게 당연하다는 입장을 밝혔다.

하지만 하반기 국내 출시 예정인 i40 세단에는 1.7리터 디젤 엔진이 탑재될 것으로 알려졌다. 유럽전략모델인 i40는 쏘나타보다 약간 작지만, 사양을 고급화 해 한국 소비자들의 높아진 눈높이를 맞춘다는 전략이다.

관계자는 또 “i40 1.7리터 디젤 모델은 쏘나타 2.0리터 가솔린 모델에 비해 오히려 가격이 비싸게 책정돼 판매가 잘 될지 고민이 많다”면서 “국내는 136마력의 고성능 모델만 도입하고 사양도 유럽에 비해 고급화하는 전략을 펼 것”이라고 밝혔다.

i40에 탑재되는 U2 디젤 엔진은 우수한 연비와 동력성능을 인정받는 모델이어서 2.0리터 쏘나타 가솔린에 비해 성능이 우수할 것으로 예상하고 있다.

쉐보레는 크루즈 디젤 등으로 디젤 모델의 효과를 톡톡히 보는 브랜드다. 하지만 한국GM은 올 가을 출시 예정인 에 대해선 미온적인 자세다. 한국GM 관계자는 “말리부에 디젤 엔진이 탑재될지는 정해지지 않았으며 시장 반응을 살펴본 후 결정할 예정”이라고 밝혔다. 하지만 GM의 다른 차종과 마찬가지로 가솔린 모델이 먼저 출시된 후 디젤 모델이 추가될 가능성이 높다.

르노삼성 관계자는 “모든 출시 모델에 대해 적극적인 검토를 하고 있지만 국내는 아직 디젤 시장이 작다고 판단하기 때문에 선뜻 나서지는 못하고 있다”고 설명했다. 하지만 모기업인 르노가 전통적으로 디젤 엔진 기술력이 축적된 브랜드기 때문에 디젤 시장이 커지면 성능이 우수한 디젤차를 내놓을 수 있는 입장이다.

출처 및 날짜: 파이낸셜뉴스, 2011.8.15

Original article available here:

폭스바겐 제타 1.6 TDI 블루모션, 제 15회 올해의 에너지 위너상 수상

폭스바겐 제타 1.6 TDI 블루모션, 제 15회 올해의 에너지 위너상 수상

클린디젤 자동차로서 우수한 성능과 친환경을 인정받아 CO2 저감상을 수상”
소비자시민모임이 주최한 ‘제15회 올해의 에너지 위너상’에서 폭스바겐의 클린디젤 자동차인 제타 1.6 TDI 블루모션이 ‘CO2 저감상’을 수상하였다. 제타 1.6 TDI 블루모션은 TDI 디젤 엔진과 7단 DSG 변속기를 이용한 블루모션 테크놀로지가 적용되어 최고 출력 105마력, 최대토크 25.5 kg.m, 최대속도 190 km/h, 정지상태에서 시속 100 km 도달시간 11.7초로 우수한 운전 성능을 지녔다. 이와 더불워 22.2 km/l의 연비와 121 g/km 이산화탄소 배출로 효율성과 친환경성을 갖추웠다.

이러한 클린디젤 자동차로서 우수한 성능과 친환경을 인정받아 제타 1.6 TDI 블루모션이 CO2 저감상을 수상하였다. 또한 블루모션 라인업은 2011년 상반기에 수입 하이브리드 차량 총 판매 대수인 1764대를 넘는 1910대를 판매하여 국낸 수입 차 시장에서 큰 사랑을 받고 있다. 블루모션의 인기에 대하여 폭스바겐 코리아 박동훈 대표는 “연비와 운전의 재미라는 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡았던 것이 성공비결” 이라고 설명하였으며 시중에 출시된 상당수 친환경 모델들이 연비를 핑계로 주행 성능 감소를 고려하지 않은 것을 지적하였다

Original article available here:

Electromechanical drivetrain for tractors trialed

Electromechanical drivetrain for tractors trialed

Field trials showed that the tractor with an electromechanical drivetrain performed better than the conventional tractor.

With the goal of improving fuel efficiency, increasing implement productivity, and enhancing other aspects of a 300-hp- (224-kW)-class agricultural wheeled tractor, a group of researchers in Russia decided to design and test an electromechanical drivetrain (EMD).

Also developed was a service computing system for special-purpose software (SCS) for an external personal computer. The SCS helps to simplify diagnosing and servicing, adjust the settings of the control system, selectively visualize the current values of variables, store and dynamically display them in an operator-friendly form, and ensure navigation and visualization of emergency logs of the high-level controller.

In addition, the researchers developed a set of options including a self-controlled power electric station, electric drive of the front power take-off (PTO), and electric drive of the diesel engine cooling fan.

In their work, the researchers from Production Association Minsk Tractor Works and Ruselprom-ElectricDrive Ltd. found that the use of electric drivetrains is especially beneficial for powerful tractors. In such tractors a standard mechanical drivetrain is sophisticated and expensive, especially in production. For example, the gearbox is very expensive because more shifting steps are needed. Control of a tractor with a high number of shift levels also is complex.

The electromechanical drivetrain completely solves this problem as there are only two operating modes (two gear steps): operational (0-18 km/h, or 0-11 mph) and transport (0-42 km/h, or 0-26 mph).

An alternative to EMD is a hydraulic drivetrain (HDT), which comes in various types. However, they require very precise mechanical machining during manufacture and use of high-quality oil. In addition, HDT efficiency is lower than that of the EMD, and service life is short.

In comparison to a conventional tractor, the prototype tractor equipped with EDM technology has additional advantages beyond better fuel consumption and improved implement efficiency. Among them are reduced dynamic loads on the tractor and diesel units; reduced wheel slippage; continuous variation of speed of the tractor and aggregated implements; reduced expenses on maintenance, repair, and spare parts; and increased total reliability, controllability, and comfort.

The tractor can be used as a power source.

This article is based on a technical paper jointly published by SAE International (2011-01-2296) and AVL List GmbH (ICPC 2011 – 3.3) by Alexey A. Puhovoy and Ivan N. Uss of Production Association Minsk Tractor Works; and Stanislav N. Florentsev, Dmitry B. Izosimov, and Lev N. Makarov of Ruselprom-ElectricDrive Ltd.

Original article available here: http://www.sae.org/mags/SOHE/10062

A New Study Takes The Wind Out Of Wind Energy

A New Study Takes The Wind Out Of Wind Energy
Robert Bryce, 07.19.11, 05:00 PM EDT
Reality has overtaken green hope.

Facts are pesky things. And they’re particularly pesky when it comes to the myths about the wind energy business.

For years, it’s been an article of faith among advocates of renewables that increased use of wind energy can provide a cost-effective method of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The reality: wind energy’s carbon dioxide-cutting benefits are vastly overstated. Furthermore, if wind energy does help reduce carbon emissions, those reductions are too expensive to be used on any kind of scale.

Those are the findings of an exhaustive new study, released today, by Bentek Energy, a Colorado-based energy analytics firm. Rather than rely on computer models that use theoretical emissions data, the authors of the study, Porter Bennett and Brannin McBee, analyzed actual emissions data from electric generation plants located in four regions: the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Bonneville Power Administration, California Independent System Operator, and the Midwest Independent System Operator. Those four system operators serve about 110 million customers, or about one-third of the U.S. population.

Bennett and McBee looked at more than 300,000 hourly records from 2007 through 2009. Their results show that the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and other wind boosters have vastly overstated wind’s ability to cut sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide.

Indeed, the study found that in some regions of the country, like California, using wind energy doesn’t reduce sulfur dioxide emissions at all. But the most important conclusion from the study is that wind energy is not “a cost-effective solution for reducing carbon dioxide if carbon is valued at less than $33 per ton.” With the U.S. economy still in recession and unemployment numbers near record levels, Congress cannot, will not, attempt to impose a carbon tax, no matter how small.

AWEA claims that every megawatt-hour of electricity produced by wind turbines cuts carbon dioxide emissions by 0.8 tons. But the Bentek study shows that in California, a state that relies heavily on natural gas-fired generation, the carbon dioxide reduction from wind energy was just 0.3 tons of carbon dioxide per megawatt-hour. Further, the study found that in the area served by the Bonneville Power Administration, which uses a large amount of hydropower, the carbon dioxde reduction was just 0.1 ton of carbon dioxide per megawatt-hour.

To be clear, the Bentek study found that in the region served by the Midwest Independent System Operator, which relies heavily on coal-fired generation, the carbon dioxide reduction benefits of wind are actually greater (1.0 ton of carbon saved) than what AWEA claims. But when it came to reductions in sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide in the Midwest, Bentek found that, again, the claims made by AWEA were overstated.

What about Texas, the state that has some 10,000 megawatts of installed wind generation capacity, more than any other state? Again, the Bentek study found that AWEA’s claims were exaggerated. Texas relies heavily on natural gas-fired generation. Therefore, when wind gets deployed within the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Bentek found that it cuts sulfur dioxide emissions by 1.2 pounds per megawatt-hour, far less than the 5.7 pounds claimed by AWEA. Similarly, the reduction in nitrous oxide was 0.7 pounds rather than AWEA’s 2.3 pounds, and carbon dioxide emissions were reduced by 0.5 tons per megawatt-hour, not the 0.8 tons claimed by AWEA.

The Bentek report provides yet more bad news for the subsidy-dependent wind business, which is already on its heels. Low natural gas prices, the economic downturn, and uncertainty about the continuation of federal subsidies have left the wind industry in tatters. In 2010, total U.S. wind generation capacity grew by 5,100 megawatts, about half as much capacity as was added in 2009. During the first quarter this year, new wind installations totaled just 1,100 megawatts, indicating that this year will likely be even worse than 2010.

The wind industry’s prospects are so bad that T. Boone Pickens, long one of the sector’s loudest advocates, has given up on the U.S. market. Pickens, the billionaire self-promoter who famously placed an order for some $2 billion worth of wind turbines back in 2008, is now trying to find a home for those turbines in Canada.

In addition, the wind industry faces increasingly vocal opposition in numerous countries around the world. The European Platform Against Windfarms now has 485 signatory organizations from 22 European countries. In the UK, where fights are raging against industrial wind projects in Wales, Scotland, and elsewhere, some 250 anti-wind groups have been formed. In Canada, the province of Ontario alone has more than 50 anti-wind groups. The U.S. has about 170 anti-wind groups.

While many factors are hurting the wind industry, the Bentek report, which was released today, undercuts the sector’s primary reason for existing. The Global Wind Energy Council, one of the industry’s main lobby groups, claims that reducing the amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere “is the most important environmental benefit from wind power generation.” For its part, the American Wind Energy Association insists that the wind business “could avoid 825 million tons of carbon dioxide annually by 2030.”

But if wind energy doesn’t significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, then critics can easily challenge the industry’s hefty subsidies, which include the federal production tax credit of $0.022 for each kilowatt-hour of electricity. That amounts to a subsidy of $6.44 per million BTU of energy produced. For comparison, in 2008, the Energy Information Administration reported that subsidies to the oil and gas sector totaled $1.9 billion per year, or about $0.03 per million BTU of energy produced. In other words, subsidies to the wind sector are more than 200 times as great as those given to the oil and gas sector on the basis of per-unit-of-energy produced.

If those fat subsidies go away, then the U.S. wind sector will be stopped dead in its tracks. And for consumers, that should be welcome news.

The wind energy business is the electric sector’s equivalent of the corn ethanol scam: it’s an over-subsidized industry that depends wholly on taxpayer dollars to remain solvent while providing an inferior product to consumers that does little, if anything, to reduce our need for hydrocarbons or cut carbon dioxide emissions. The latest Bentek study should be required reading for policymakers. It’s a much-needed reminder of how the pesky facts about wind energy have been obscured by the tsunami of hype about green energy.

Robert Bryce is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. His fourth book, Power Hungry: The Myths of “Green” Energy and the Real Fuels of the Futurewas recently issued in paperback.

Original article available here: http://www.forbes.com/2011/07/19/wind-energy-carbon.html?feed=rss_home

Volvo spins up flywheel technology research

Volvo spins up flywheel technology research

The lightweight flywheel in Volvo’s KERS is key to minimizing the gyroscopic effects that have plagued previous flywheel-based automotive energy recovery systems. Volvo engineers further development may lead to a system that can compete with traditional PHEVs.
Cutting the cost of hybrid technology is a target for all auto makers, and Volvo Car Corp. (VCC) working with partner SKF believes its new system for kinetic energy recovery will achieve both, while delivering fuel and emissions savings of up to 20%.

Gearless traction drive technology specialist Torotrak has confirmed that its continuously variable transmission (CVT) forms a major element of Volvo Powertrain’s mechanical Flywheel KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System). With a 6.57 m kronor (US$877,000) grant from the Swedish Energy Agency, Volvo plans to become one of the world’s first OEMs to test the potential of flywheel technology—already in use in motor sport—on public roads.

Torotrak CEO Dick Elsy says of the development: “Using a Torotrak variable drive transmission in conjunction with a mechanical flywheel has demonstrated the capability for double-digit improvements in fuel economy.” And Derek Crabb, VCC’s Vice President Powertrain Engineering, adds: “If the tests and technical development go as planned, we expect cars with flywheel technology to reach the showroom within a few years.”

KERS powers the rear axle

The Volvo system, with its carbon-fiber flywheel energy recovery and storage system, has also been created to meet low mass targets. It could play a significant role in engine downsizing, giving a four-cylinder unit the signature of a six-cylinder, particularly with regard to pull-away performance and available torque at very low engine speeds.

Crabb said Volvo is aiming to develop what he terms a “complete system” for kinetic energy recovery and will be testing it on public roads this fall. The Volvo Flywheel KERS is fitted to the rear axle while an ICE drives the front wheels.

Brake energy is harnessed to spin up the flywheel to at least 60,000 rpm. As the car moves away again, the flywheel’s rotation is used to power the rear wheels and accelerate the vehicle. The system can also be applied, when appropriate, to use stored energy to power the car at cruising speed. The car’s ICE is stopped as braking starts.

Detailing the application’s effect, Crabb explained that the stored energy is sufficient to power the car for “short periods” but that that is enough to provide a very significant fuel consumption bonus. “Our calculations indicate that the ICE will be able to be turned off about half the time when driving according to the official New European Driving Cycle,” he said.

The system is particularly efficient in urban environments, during short journeys with the need for repeated stops and starts, and on winding roads with regular need for vehicle braking, Crabb claimed.

Projections show that when the Flywheel KERS is combined with the combustion engine’s full capacity, it will produce close to 60 kW (80.4 hp) with rapid torque buildup to provide markedly improved acceleration times.

Mechanical flywheel propulsion has been used in buses and trams, and several OEMs and specialist engineering companies have launched research projects. Porsche raced a KERS system in its 911 GT3 R Hybrid at the Nurburgring 24-hour and other events in late 2010 and continues development in the 918 RSR, which uses a Williams Hybrid Power flywheel.

‘Insignificant’ gyroscopic forces

Volvo first tested a flywheel system on a road car nearly three decades ago, but one of its penalties then was high weight. This also resulted in high gyroscopic forces. Engineers say the problems have been overcome with the use of carbon fiber, providing a mass of 6 kg (13.2 lb) for a flywheel diameter of 20 cm (7.87 in).

The flywheel, supplied by U.K.-based Flybrid Systems, spins in a vacuum. A flywheel rotating at 60,000 rpm or more can be made smaller and lighter than was possible some years ago, with gyroscopic forces reduced to a level that “can be considered insignificant,” engineers claim.

Power transmission is limited only by the capability of the CVT, according to the company. Even a mundane road car is capable of very high power transfer during braking, and the salient aspect of flywheel technology is to capture as much as possible of the resultant energy.

In 2009, Flybrid Systems and Magneti Marelli announced collaboration on electric KERS energy storage for motorsport applications. Called Flywheel Capacitor, it used a carbon-fiber, high-speed flywheel connected to an electric motor-generator using technology and control electronics from the Italian company.

Recovered energy during a braking event is stored into the capacitor by speeding up the flywheel. During vehicle acceleration, the stored energy is returned to the vehicle by transforming the kinetic energy of the flywheel into electric energy via the motor generator.

At the time of the announcement, the two companies stressed that the Flywheel Capacitor would not use chemical battery-based energy storage systems. They stated the initial version would have a specification of 60 kW power output and 600 kJ (569 Btu) total storage capacity, although specification could be tailored to specific vehicle requirements.

Electric motor and flywheel rotation would be up to 60,000 rpm with the flywheel positioned in an evacuated chamber that incorporated safety features. A small electric pump could top up the vacuum, thus avoiding any need for regular maintenance.

In 2009, the complete Flywheel Capacitor including associated electronics was projected to weigh about 20 kg (44 lb).

Volvo’s system, though, is purely mechanical. Says Crabb: “The flywheel technology is relatively cheap. It can be used in a much larger volume of our cars than top-of-the-line [hybrid] technology such as plug-in.”

Other OEMs flywheeling

Other companies are working along similar lines. Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) and Ford are part of a U.K. research consortium evaluating a system that attaches Flybrid’s flywheel and Torotrak’s CVT to a vehicle’s rear axle. Pete Richings, JLR Chief Engineer, Hybrids, emphasized the importance of exploring the potential for more efficient and cost-competitive hybrid drivetrains that improve fuel economy while enhancing standards of vehicle refinement and performance.

Engineering consultancy Ricardo is also working on flywheel technology with Torotrak among others. In 2009, it was announced that Ricardo was to lead the flywheel technology KinerStor project; Williams Hybrid Power was also involved. KinerStor’s goals included the demonstration of significant fuel savings at a low system on-cost, providing a route for the installation of flywheel energy systems in high-volume, price-sensitive vehicles.

Stuart Birch

Original article available here:http://www.sae.org/mags/AEI/9924