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Piston Engines Not Out Yet

Piston Engines Not Out Yet

By John McElroy, May 18, 2009 8:00 AM

Powertrain engineers tell me they wish they could spend the same kind of money on their existing gasoline-fueled piston engines. They say, “Let me add just $1,000 worth of technology to my (piston) engine and let me show you what I can do.”

They make a great point. A couple years ago, I interviewed Hans List, the head of AVL List, a major independent powertrain design and engineering company. He told me he expected to see a 70% improvement in fuel economy from gasoline-fueled piston engines by the middle of next decade. He said small-displacement engines with aggressive turbocharging strategies would be the key.

Then there is Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition technology, which makes a gasoline piston engine operate much like a diesel. It promises to offer diesel-like fuel efficiency but at a fraction of the cost. We may be only three to four years away from seeing a production-ready HCCI engine.

But I think there could be another breakthrough on the way. Eliminating conventional camshafts has been the dream of engine designers for over half a century. Using solenoids to operate the valves, instead of cams, could eliminate mass and parasitic losses. And solenoid technology keeps getting better all the time.

Even more exciting would be doing away with the poppet valves we use in today’s engines. There was some very exciting development work that took place during World War II using rotating valves. These new valves resembled cylinders rotating inside the cylinder head, in the same place an overhead cam would be, with slots cut into the cylinder to function as the intake and exhaust valves.

This concept got rid of the reciprocating mass in the cylinder head, allowing the engine to rev much higher. But back in the 1940s, they had problems sealing these rotating valves.

The industry seems to think pouring more money into the engines it already has merely increases cost. And yet it is eager to invest in sexy new technology such as hybrid-electric vehicles. There seems to be a bias against the tried-and-true in favor of the technology “du jour.”

But with virtually every auto maker now losing massive amounts of money, low-cost solutions deserve a second look. Even though some of the technologies I mention could add quite a bit of cost to an engine, they could prove to be far more cost-effective than the glitzy technologies that are getting all the attention.

Plus, if cellulosic ethanol or fuel derived from algae really start to catch on, watch out! Piston engines suddenly will look like a low-cost alternative. And that’s why I keep saying the internal-combustion piston engine could be around for a lot longer than many imagine.

John McElroy is editorial director of Blue Sky Productions and producer of “Autoline” for WTVS-Channel 56, Detroit “Autoline Daily” the online video newscast.

“New” Nuclear Reactors, Same Old Story

“New” Nuclear Reactors, Same Old Story

The dominant type of new nuclear power plant, light-water reactors (LWRs), proved unfinanceable in the robust 2005–08 capital market, despite new U.S. subsidies approaching or exceeding their total construction cost. New LWRs are now so costly and slow that they save 2–20x less carbon, 20–40x slower, than micropower and efficient end-use.1 As this becomes evident, other kinds of reactors are being proposed instead—novel designs claimed to solve LWRs’ problems of economics, proliferation, and waste.2 Even climate-protection pioneer Jim Hansen says these “Gen IV” reactors merit rapid R&D.3 But on closer examination, the two kinds most often promoted—Integral Fast Reactors (IFRs) and thorium reactors4—reveal no economic, environmental, or security rationale, and the thesis is unsound for any nuclear reactor.

Integrated Fast Reactors (IFRs)
The IFR—a pool-type, liquid-sodiumcooled fast-neutron5 reactor plus an ambitious new nuclear fuel cycle— was abandoned in 1994,6 and General Electric’s S-PRISM design in ~2003, due to both proliferation concerns and dismal economics. Federal funding for fast breeder reactors7 halted in 1983, but in the past few years, enthusiasts got renewed Bush Administration support by portraying the IFR as a solution to proliferation and nuclear waste. It’s neither.

Fast reactors were first offered as a way to make more plutonium to augment and ultimately replace scarce uranium. Now that uranium and enrichment are known to get cheaper while reprocessing, cleanup, and nonproliferation get costlier—destroying the economic rationale—IFRs have been rebranded as a way to destroy the plutonium (and similar transuranic elements) in long-lived radioactive waste. Two or three redesigned IFRs could in principle fission the plutonium produced by each four LWRs without making more net plutonium. However, most LWRs will have retired before even one commercial-size IFR could be built; LWRs won’t be replaced with more LWRs because they’re grossly uncompetitive; and IFRs with their fuel cycle would cost even more and probably be less reliable. It’s feasible today to “burn” plutonium in LWRs, but this isn’t done much because it’s very costly, makes each kg of spent fuel 7x hotter, enhances risks, and makes certain transuranic isotopes that complicate operation. IFRs could do the same thing with similar or greater problems, offering no advantage over LWRs in proliferation resistance, cost, or environment.

IFRs’ reprocessing plant, lately rebranded a “recycling center,” would be built at or near the reactors, coupling them so neither works without the other. Its novel technology, replacing solvents and aqueous chemistry with high-temperature pyrometallurgy and electrorefining, would incur different but major challenges, greater technical risks and repair problems, and speculative but probably worse economics. (Argonne National Laboratory, the world’s experts on it, contracted to pyroprocess spent fuel from EBR-II—a small IFR-like test reactor shut down in 1994—by 2035, at a cost DOE estimated in 2006 at ~50× today’s cost of fresh LWR fuel.)

Reprocessing of any kind makes waste management more difficult and complex, increases the volume and diversity of waste streams, increases by several- to manyfold the cost of nuclear fueling, and separates bomb-usable material that can’t be adequately measured or protected. Mainly for this last reason, all Presidents since Gerald Ford in 1976 (except G.W. Bush in 2006– 08) discouraged it. An IFR/pyroprocessing system would give any country immediate access to over a thousand bombs’ worth of plutonium to fuel it, facilities to recover that plutonium, and experts to separate and fabricate it into bomb cores—hardly a path to a safer world.

IFRs might in principle offer some safety advantages over today’s light-water reactors, but create different safety concerns, including the sodium coolant’s chemical reactivity and radioactivity. Over the past halfcentury, the world’s leading nuclear technologists have built about three dozen sodium-cooled fast reactors, 11 of them Naval. Of the 22 whose histories are mostly reported, over half had sodium leaks, four suffered fuel damage (including two partial meltdowns), several others had serious accidents, most were prematurely closed, and only six succeeded. Admiral Rickover canceled sodium-cooled propulsion for USS Seawolf in 1956 as “expensive to build, complex to operate, susceptible to prolonged shutdown as a result of even minor malfunctions, and difficult and time-consuming to repair.” Little has changed. As Dr. Tom Cochran of NRDC notes, fast reactor programs were tried in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the USSR, and the US and Soviet Navies. All failed. After a half-century and tens of billions of dollars, the world has one operational commercial-sized fast reactor (Russia’s BN600) out of 438 commercial power reactors, and it’s not fueled with plutonium.

IFRs are often claimed to “burn up nuclear waste” and make its “time of concern . . . less than 500 years” rather than 10,000–100,000 years or more. That’s wrong: most of the radioactivity comes from fission products, including very-long-lived isotopes like iodine-129 and technicium-99, and their mix is broadly similar in any nuclear fuel cycle. IFRs’ wastes may contain less transuranics, but at prohibitive cost and with worse occupational exposures, routine releases, accident and terrorism risks, proliferation, and disposal needs for intermediate- and low-level wastes. It’s simply a dishonest fantasy to claim, as a Wall Street Journal op-ed just did,8 that such hypothe¬tical and uneconomic ways to recover energy or other value from spent LWR fuel mean “There is no such thing as nuclear waste.” Of course, the nuclear industry wishes this were true.

No new kind of reactor is likely to be much, if at all, cheaper than today’s LWRs, which remain grossly uncompetitive and are getting more so despite five decades of maturation. “New reactors” are precisely the “paper reactors” Admiral Rickover described in 1953:

An academic reactor or reactor plant almost always has the following basic characteristics: (1) It is simple. (2) It is small. (3) It is cheap. (4) It is light. (5) It can be built very quickly. (6) It is very flexible in purpose. (7) Very little development will be required. It will use off the shelf components. (8) The reactor is in the study phase. It is not being built now.

On the other hand a practical reactor can be distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) It is being built now. (2) It is behind schedule. (3) It requires an immense amount of development on apparently trivial items. (4) It is very expensive. (5) It takes a long time to build because of its engineering development problems. (6) It is large. (7) It is heavy. (8) It is complicated.

Every new type of reactor in history has been costlier, slower, and harder than projected. IFRs’ low pres¬sure, different safety profile, high temperature, and potentially higher thermal efficiency (if its helium turbines didn’t misbehave as they have in all previous reactor projects) come with countervailing disadvantages and costs that advocates assume away, contrary to all experience.

Thorium reactors
Some enthusiasts prefer fueling reactors with thorium—an element 3× as abundant as uranium but even more uneconomic to use. India has for decades failed to commercialize breeder reactors to exploit its thorium deposits. But thorium can’t fuel a reactor by itself: rather, a uranium- or plutoniumfueled reactor can convert thorium-232 into fissionable (and plutonium-like, highly bomb-usable) uranium-233. Thorium’s proliferation,9 waste, safety, and cost problems differ only in detail from uranium’s: e.g., thorium ore makes less mill waste, but highly radioactive U-232 makes fabricating or reprocessing U-233 fuel hard and costly. And with uranium-based nuclear power continuing its decades-long economic collapse, it’s awfully late to be thinking of developing a whole new fuel cycle whose problems differ only in detail from current versions.

Spent LWR fuel “burned” in IFRs, it’s claimed, could meet all humanity’s energy needs for centuries. But renewables and efficiency can do that forever at far lower cost, with no proliferation, nuclear wastes, or major risks.10 Moreover, any new type of reactor would probably cost even more than today’s models: even if the nuclear part of a new plant were free, the rest—two-thirds of its capital cost—would still be grossly uncompetitive with any efficiency and most renewables, sending out a kilowatt-hour for ~9–13¢/kWh instead of new LWRs’ ~12–18+¢. In contrast, the average U.S. windfarm completed in 2007 sold its power (net of a 1¢/ kWh subsidy that’s a small fraction of nuclear subsidies) for 4.5¢/kWh. Add ~0.4¢ to make it dispatchable whether the wind is blowing or not and you get under a nickel delivered to the grid.

Most other renewables also beat new thermal power plants too, cogeneration is often comparable or cheaper, and efficiency is cheaper than just running any nuclear- or fossil-fueled plant. Obviously these options would also easily beat proposed fusion reactors that are sometimes claimed to be comparable to today’s fission reactors in size and cost. And unlike any kind of hypothetical fusion or new fission reactor—or LWRs, which have a market share below 2%—efficiency and micropower now provide at least half the world’s new electrical services, adding tens of times more capacity each year than nuclear power does. It’s a far bigger gamble to assume that the nuclear market loser will become a winner than that these winners will turn to losers.

Small reactors
Toshiba claims to be about to market a 200-kWe nuclear plant (~5,000x smaller than today’s norm); a few startup firms like Hyperion Power Generation aim to make 10¢/kWh electricity from miniature reactors for which it claims over 100 firm orders. Unfortunately, 10¢ is the wrong target to beat: the real competitor is not other big and costly thermal power plants, but micropower and negawatts, whose delivered retail cost is often ~1–6¢/kWh.11 Can one imagine in principle that mass-production, passive operation, automation (perhaps with zero operating and security staff), and supposedly failsafe design might enable hypothetical small reactors to approach such low costs? No, for two basic reasons:

• Nuclear reactors derive their claimed advantages from highly concentrated sources of heat, and hence also of radiation. But the shielding and thermal protection needed to contain that concentrated energy and exploit it (via turbine cycles) are inherently unable to scale down as well as technologies whose different principles avoid these issues.
• By the time the new reactors could be proven, accepted by regulators and the public, financed, built, and convincingly tested, they couldn’t undercut the then prices of negawatts and micropower that are beating them by 2–20x today— and would have gained decades of further head start on their own economies of mass production.

In short, the notion that different or smaller reactors plus wholly new fuel cycles (and, usually, new competitive conditions and political systems) could overcome nuclear energy’s inherent problems is not just decades too late, but fundamentally a fantasy. Fantasies are all right, but people should pay for their own. Investors in and advocates of small-reactor innovations will be disappointed. But in due course, the aging advocates of the half-century-old reactor concepts that never made it to market will retire and die, their credulous young devotees will relearn painful lessons lately forgotten, and the whole nuclear business will complete its slow death of an incurable attack of market forces. Meanwhile, the rest of us shouldn’t be distracted from getting on with the winning investments that make sense, make money, and really do solve the energy, climate, and proliferation problems, led by business for profit.

Electric cars labelled ‘overhype’ at Shanghai Auto Show

Electric cars labelled ‘overhype’ at Shanghai Auto Show

The technology that will power a new generation of electric cars has been overhyped, leading industry sources said at the Shanghai Auto Show yesterday.

By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai
Last Updated: 6:34PM BST 20 Apr 2009


Chinese companies, such as BYD, have been lauded for developing advanced batteries that could power a revolution in motoring.

BYD, a former battery maker, was the first company in the world to start selling a heavily-electrified hybrid car last December, easily beating larger rivals such as Toyota to the market.

As a result, Warren Buffett, the US investment manager who runs Berkshire Hathaway, bought 10pc of BYD last December for $230m (£158m).

The Chinese government has also committed to funding new technologies, such as BYD’s iron-phosphate-based lithium ion batteries, with £1bn of research subsidies.

In a bid to demonstrate the safety of his batteries to the environment, Wang Chuan-Fu, BYD’s chief executive, has actually drunk a vial of his own battery fluid.

Henry Li, the company’s export manager, said BYD is currently in talks with “American and European automakers to supply powertrain systems, including batteries”.

However, other executives at the Shanghai Auto show suggested that electric car technology was still in its infancy.

“From what we have seen so far the technology is not that advanced in terms of battery life, range, and recharging,” said Nick Reilly, the head of General Motors in the Asia-Pacific region. “If you look at the detail, they tend to not to perform as well on these measures. But they have a good price and we know the Chinese government is investing a lot of money.”

Dr Peter Pleus, the head of the engine systems division of Shaeffler, an automotive parts supplier, said: “I am trying to find someone who can explain to me why these batteries are so advanced, but so far no one can do so.”

The government plans to tempt buyers into switching to electric cars with a subsidy of up to £5,000 per vehicle, but the plan has been criticized by the automotive industry because of a lack of recharging stations.

Meanwhile, Paul Withrington at Transport Watch concluded that carbon dioxide emissions could rise if electric cars become widespread, especially in China, because electricity would have to be generated by fossil fuel power stations.



Auto Makers, Suppliers Gear Up to Make Small Cars Safer

Auto Makers, Suppliers Gear Up to Make Small Cars Safer

By Drew Winter, Feb 27, 2009 9:00 AM

Like it or not, small cars are destined to become a much bigger chunk of the U.S. vehicle market.

Last summer’s soaring oil prices brought their popularity roaring back after decades in the doldrums. Now, even though fuel prices have subsided, falling incomes and tight credit have made C- and B-segment cars such as the Ford Focus, Honda Fit and Chevy Aveo the only vehicles many new car buyers can afford.

A tougher regulatory climate, with even more stringent corporate average fuel economy standards on the way, seem to ensure a U.S. product mix with a heavier dose of smallish cars for the foreseeable future. Indeed, the U.S. B-segment soon will be fattened up with the likes of the new Ford Fiesta and Nissan Cube.


A vehicle fleet richer with subcompact, minicars and even microcars, such as the tiny Daimler AG Smart Fortwo, promises numerous benefits, such as better corporate average fleet economy numbers and lower carbon-dioxide emissions. But one ugly specter sits on the horizon: the very real threat of higher rates for death and serious injury in vehicle crashes.

“We’re not trying to scare people,” says Adrian Lund, president of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. “But if you are in one of the smallest 4-door cars, your risk of dying in a crash is about twice as high than if you’re in the largest 4-door car.”

While a greater number of small cars actually are scoring quite well in the IIHS’s crash safety tests, which are done at higher speeds than those conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin., the organization says basic physics makes it impossible for a small, light car to offer as much protection as a bigger, heavier one.

For instance, the 1,800-lb. (816-kg) Smart Fortwo, the smallest car for sale in the U.S., actually earned the IIHS’s top rating of “good” for front and side crash protection in test results released last May.

“The big question from consumers is, ‘How safe is it?’” says Lund. “All things being equal in safety, bigger and heavier are always better. But among the smallest cars, the engineers of the Smart did their homework and designed a high level of safety into a very small package”

Numerous other smaller cars such as the Honda Fit have received “Top Safety Pick” awards from the agency, but if Lund had his druthers, consumers would opt for bigger D-segment cars with smaller engines to get the fuel-efficient ride they are looking for.

“One of the things we would like the public to understand is if they would just buy the smaller engine, a 4-door Accord can get very close to a Honda Civic or Fit in fuel economy,” Lund says. “You are giving up a lot of space to protect your family for fuel economy you could have had just with a smaller engine.”

But Lund certainly isn’t suggesting everyone go out and purchase a hulking pickup truck. The institute strongly criticized the side-impact performance of the Chevrolet Silverado, Dodge Ram and Nissan Titan in a recent spate of tests.

“These are very big, heavy vehicles that are higher off the ground. Our side-impact test should be much easier for them because the barrier interacts with the strong sill of the door. But in fact we got marginal and poor ratings,” Lund gripes. The new Ford F-150, Toyota Tundra and Honda Ridgeline all scored well on the same test during an earlier round.

Despite the concerns of the insurance industry, the demand for smaller cars from both consumers and government mandates continues to accelerate.

And even the IIHS’s own data show small cars as a whole are improving in safety. For instance, seven ’09 C-segment cars recently tested earned the organization’s highest rating for occupant protection in a frontal crash.

Models earning the insurance group’s good rating in frontal-crash tests include the Chevrolet HHR, Saturn Astra, Pontiac Vibe, Chrysler PT Cruiser, Ford Focus, Hyundai Elantra, Suzuki SX4 and Toyota Matrix. Ward’s classifies the HHR and PT Cruiser as small cross/utility vehicles, while the Vibe and Matrix share the same platform and are considered cars.

Only the SX4, Vibe and Matrix earned an additional good rating from the IIHS in side-impact crashes.

In total, 11 of the 21 current small cars tested by the institute earned good ratings in side-impact crashes, a great improvement over the ’06 model year, when just three of the 19 vehicles tested earned the highest designation.

The ’09 B-segment cars also benefitted from redesigns and showed significant improvements from the last time they were tested in 2006.

The new Honda Fit earned good ratings in front-, side- and rear-crash protection, logging big gains over the previous version that did well in front- and side-impacts but received a poor rating for rear-crash protection. The Toyota Yaris got top ratings for front- and side-impact, thanks to now-standard side airbags, but received a marginal score for rear impacts.

The redesigned Mini Cooper scored far better this time around, as well, with good front- and rear-impact ratings and acceptable side-impact. The previous-generation was rated only marginal in rear-impact protection.

The Chevrolet Aveo, Hyundai Accent and Kia Rio trailed the leaders significantly in the second round of testing, scoring acceptable rankings in front impacts but poor or marginal in side- and rear-impacts.

Standard electronic stability control also was a rarity among the small vehicles tested by the IIHS. In its latest round of C- and B-segment crashes, only the HHR, Vibe and Mini Cooper carried ESC as standard equipment. The safety feature is optional on the others, as well as the Matrix and Fit, and not available on the PT Cruiser.

Meanwhile, IIHS says the Ford Focus was the only small vehicle in the latest test to earn a good rating for its seat/head restraints in a rear crash.

“There’s no question Newton’s laws apply” to small cars, says Matt Roney, vice president, product planning at safety systems supplier TRW Automotive. Yet, he is optimistic about how much more small-car safety can be improved with the aid of passive and active technology.

The key to making small cars safer in the future sometimes involves creating a few more precious inches of crush space within the vehicle, as well as improved accident avoidance, Roney says.

Accident avoidance is crucial because a high percentage of small-car fatalities are from single-car crashes, where a vehicle rolls over or hits a stationary object. Hitting such objects is particularly dangerous for small cars.

“Cars aren’t involved in rollovers as often as SUVs and pickups, but when they do, the consequences can be deadly,” Lund says. “The smallest cars that most need this crash-avoidance feature often don’t have it.”

ESC lowers fatal rollover crash risk by 70%, the IIHS says. As a result, the feature figures prominently in its “Top Safety Pick” rankings.

“The heavier you are, the more likely you are to move another car or bend a tree a little bit; or if you hit a brick wall, break down the wall,” Lund says. Such deflection dissipates crash energy. If a car is not heavy enough to bend a tree a few inches or break down the wall, then the full force of the crash ends up going through the car – and its occupants – as a crash pulse.

Most engineers agree standard ESC is the first step in improving small-car crash avoidance by reducing the number of rollovers and preventing other avoidable mishaps simply by sensing when a rollover is imminent and braking individual wheels to bring the vehicle back under control.

However, Charlie Steffens, director-safety systems technology, TRW Automotive, says a new generation of low-cost cameras and other sensing devices is making a variety of crash-avoidance technologies available in the near future that go far beyond ESC.

Tied into electric steering and ESC, these sensing systems can provide a level of active safety unheard of before for small, inexpensive vehicles, Steffens says.

Top-of-the line luxury cars such as the Mercedes S-Class already are equipped with sophisticated radar and cameras that provide sensing for adaptive cruise control and lane-departure warnings.

But TRW is supplying a more moderately priced camera-based intelligent safety system to Fiat Auto Group for its new Lancia Delta family sedan. The system combines ESC and a lower-cost video-based lane-departure warning system with electric power steering into a system it calls “cognitive safety.”

In the Lancia Delta, TRW’s video camera technology is tied in with the electric power steering to enable haptic feedback. When the video camera detects the vehicle drifting toward the lane markings, the electric steering alerts the driver by gently tugging the steering wheel to keep the car in the lane.

That feedback could prevent a sleepy or distracted driver from leaving the road and possibly rolling over, or drifting into the oncoming lane for a head-on collision.

Another element of TRW’s cognitive-safety portfolio is a “pre-fill” feature that pressurizes the fluid in the brake pistons when it senses a collision or emergency braking situation is imminent. The feature enhances safety by maximizing braking reaction time and stopping power.

Other safety features, such as active seatbelt retractors, which have migrated from the top-of-the-line Mercedes S-Class to less-expensive models, such as the M-Class CUV, also will someday provide enhanced safety to small cars, Roney says.

Active seatbelt retractors sense when a collision or hard-braking incident is about to occur and cinch the seatbelt tighter with an electric motor so there is little slack, ensuring the driver is not out of position. If a crash does occur, seatbelt pretensioners, now standard on most new cars, activate milliseconds before the airbag inflates.

The pretensioners yank all remaining slack out of the seatbelt and pull the occupant tightly into the seat as the front airbag and knee bags inflate. This prevents drivers and passengers from “submarining” under the inflating airbag due to a loose seatbelt.

This combination of sensing, seatbelt cinching and pretensioning, combined with smarter airbags that detect exactly how fast and how hard to deploy, should make even severe crashes in small cars much more survivable, Roney insists. Blending these passive safety features with new lower-cost sensing devices that interact with a vehicle’s steering and braking all can lead to far safer small cars in the future.

Volvo Car Corp. has boldly targeted a zero fatality rate for its vehicles in 2020. If small cars in general have double that fatality rate, there will be little to complain about.



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MIT Team Develops Super-Regenerative Shock Absorber

MIT Team Develops Super-Regenerative Shock Absorber

By Herb Shuldiner, Mar 5, 2009 9:28 AM

NEW YORK – A group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology undergraduate students has developed a regenerative shock absorber it says improves hybrid-electric vehicle fuel efficiency up to 10%.

“We want this technology on every heavy truck, military vehicle and consumer hybrid,” Shakeel Avadhany, an MIT senior and member of the team, says in a statement.

The shock absorber converts energy from road bumps into electricity, while smoothing a vehicle’s ride more effectively than conventional shocks, the team claims.

Team member Zack Anderson says the students created the new shock after discovering conventional suspension systems waste “a significant amount of energy.”

To harness that wasted energy, the students built a prototype shock with a hydraulic system that forces fluid through a turbine attached to a generator. An active electronic damping system smoothes the vehicle’s ride and generates electricity that recharges a battery pack or powers electrical equipment.

The MIT students say testing indicates each of six shocks in a heavy-duty truck can generate up to 1 kW of power when traveling on a standard highway. That could replace a large alternator load in heavy trucks and military vehicles and perhaps even run a gas-electric hybrid refrigeration truck trailer MIT says is under development by industry suppliers.

If the electronics were to fail, the shocks still would function as conventional shock absorbers.

A patent is pending for the technology, and the students have formed a startup company, Levant Power Corp., to commercialize the shock absorber.

Avadhany says the technology is going to be a differentiator that could help AM General Corp., the company that makes Humvees, and its partner General Dynamics Corp. in their contract to build the U.S. Army’s upcoming Joint Light Tactical Vehicle – the military vehicle of the future.

The team claims its shock-absorber system would enable the Army to reduce fuel stockpiling in war zones and provide better handling of military vehicles.

“If it’s a smoother ride, you can go over the terrain faster,” Anderson says.

Other members of the team include Zachary Jackowski, Paul Abel, Ryan Bavetta and Vladimir Tarasov.

Their goal is to produce a fine-tuned version of the shock by next summer, and they then will offer the device to potential fleet customers. The students say a company, such as Wal-Mart, could save $13 million annually in fuel costs by equipping its truck fleet with their shocks.


MIT team and cutaway of regenerative shock absorber.


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